I’m got family and their spouses coming to Chicago for the Independence Day weekend. (And yeah: its Independence Day, not Fourth of July…) My younger brother from Atlanta is also big into grilling and smoking, so for the very first time we’re going to smoke some pork together. Baby back ribs, specifically. I really want to put my best foot forward, bring my A-Game, provide the VIP treatment, so I’m whipping up a batch of my signature “Jack & Coke” BBQ Sauce.
Some history behind this recipe. Years ago when I was relatively new to BBQ and the meat smoking process I decided I wanted to come up with my own BBQ sauce. Don’t get me wrong: there are plenty of solid BBQ sauces available commercially – and there is absolutely nothing wrong with them – but I like to custom make these kinds of things to my own personal preferences. BBQ sauce, beer, dry rubs, bacon, caramels… these are the kinds of thing I really enjoy learning how to make, then tailoring a signature recipe around.
So back then I decided I was going to craft a BBQ sauce recipe around Jack Daniels & Coke, a cocktail that would surely be a “first ballot” entry into the Cocktail Hall of Fame if such an institution existed. It took me a couple of tries before I got this custom sauce in the ballpark of flavor I was looking for, and this process of iteratively refining the recipe spanned the course of a few summers. I mean, I only make this sauce when I’m smoking ribs, pulled pork or brisket, and, while I do smoke BBQ regularly outside of the winter months, its not exactly the kind of food I’m cranking out three or four times a week, ya know? So it took a while to get this sauce recipe exactly where I wanted it. But I eventually got it there, and its a hit whenever I serve it.

Back to the upcoming family visit. I was pulling the ingredients from the pantry to whip up a batch of this sauce when inspiration hit. Now, Mrs. Piehole (my beautiful and super-smart better half) will tell you when culinary inspiration strikes me things go only one of two ways: very delicious or very not so delicious. Its binary; there is no middle ground. So I get inspired to change out the chile ingredient in the recipe (the recipe is below, so you’ll be able to see what I’m talking about). I usually grow and use firecracker pequin chiles in this sauce. They have a nice level of heat and a natural smokiness to them that I’ve never tasted in any other chile. But this time I decided to pull out the Urfa Biber chiles, a sun dried Turkish chile that builds a slow burn and has an earthy, raisiny flavor to it. Urfa Biber are available at most spice shops or online. I’d never used them in this recipe before, but what the heck: I thought it might work.
And work it did. FANTASTIC variation on this sauce that I will definitely do again. Next time I will probably try this Urfa Biber variation on a smoked brisket flat, as I think the earthiness of this chile will really bring out the beefiness of this cut of meat. Here’s the recipe. If you don’t have firecracker pequins or Urfa Biber chiles substitute two jalapeños while promising yourself that you are going to grow some firecracker pequin plants next spring.

- 1 cup Jack Daniels Tennessee Whiskey
- 1 cup Coca-Cola
- 1/2 cup dark brown sugar
- 1 cup catsup
- 2 tbsp lemon juice
- 2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
- 1/4 cup cider vinegar
- 2 tsp hot chili powder
- 6 cloves garlic (minced)
- 1 tsp Colemans dry mustard
- 1/4 tsp sea salt
- 1/2 tsp ground pepper
- 6-8 firecracker pequin chiles (minced) or substitute 1 tbsp dried Urfa Bibir chiles
In a medium sauce pan, bring all ingredients to a boil. Immediately lower heat to simmer. Simmer until reduced by half. Refrigerate overnight for best flavor. Will keep refrigerated for up to a week.
One response
I added some maple syrup and it’s the best bbq sauce I’ve ever had, thanks